Sunday, 30 May 2010

Last day in Kashgar 30th May

We will be leaving at 6:30 in the morning so no more internet for at least a week until we get to Lhasa but there may be an opportunity later in the week, “POSSIBLY”?
So yet again no updating of the blog and then i will have to play catch up.
Once over the Tibetan Plateau and we drop down and head east the modern technology will be more available
Visited a Sunday market which is the main agricultural one In Central Asia and it is very basic but deals were happening.

I think animal welfare is a little bit of an issue.

It was good to have Michael with us as he is a farmer from Cumbria and could explain all the technical stuff when evaluating an animal. I hope he remembers to wash his hands!

Always the presence of the military.
Just as we were leaving a convey of military vehicles went past the farmers market

Touch base with you all when connection to Internet is available

7118 miles - Kashgar, China


  1. Daz, lots of pics of you without a hat on. Not sure miss Diane will approve!

    Jax sends a big girly kiss.

  2. Have you not heard of modern technology called factor 30 sunscreen :-)
