Friday 2 July 2010

Finally Beijing 2nd July

Earlier start than normal as packing has to be done but not like it has been done for the last 78 days.
Clothes to come home and then the bike related stuff to stay with the bike. This will mean tha the camping gear bag will be put in the clothes pannier, therefore, the riding gear goes in the camping bag.
Bingo two bags to come home.

Looks like a bomb has hit it but there is organisation in there really
The local bike group has arranged for us to travel down the motorway as one of the riders brother, is the manager of that section of the motorway.

So we are led form the hotel and will we be allowed on the motorway, which will really speed up our travel time to Beijing.
Up to the barrier we go and there is police there as well.

No problem off we go and it is nice to get up to a proper speed but the silly driving still continues with trucks in the outside lane so undertaking is the order of the day.
Three sets of tolls we slip through easily as the barriers do not go all the way across the lane
The final toll at ring road 5we pull over to wait for someone from BMW Beijing to show us the way in.
Traffic police are not happy as although we have permission to use the motorway they wish us to pay a toll. So we say how much and it is the very expensive amount of the equivalent of £1.50 per bike to travel 90 miles.

Things start getting busy with the traffic and it is a very twisty route to get o the dealer. Not sure if i said but we are not allowed past Ring road 4 as no big motorcycles are allowed past this point.

Kevin had informed the UK, USA and Polish Embassies in Beijing of our pending arrival and if they would like to attend.
Only one replied and that was Poland. They presented Robert with a Letter of Congratulations for representing Poland to travel. Polish TV were there to film the occasion so we have a TV star in the making. Theyb even had Kevin doing a piece on us all. Would be interesting to see what they translate, hopefully robert will let us know

Presentations and speeches all done from Globebusters and BMW China and it is time to grab our bags and go to the hotel.
We are on the executive floor which has its own check in and its own breakfast room and overlooks the Forbidden City and Tiananmen square
This will be our final home before departures to airports on our respective days

11955 miles – Beijing, China

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