Thursday 1 July 2010

Oh my God it’s the 1st July

Another early start and it is cooler and very full of smog. Every town you go through you can smell or taste chemicals. I think I have had a facial chemical peel today based.
Then it rains from around mile 80 all the rest of the way to our hotel which is the last stop before Beijing.Least it reduces the smog so i can breath properely.
Crazy driving and the smog make for a dull ride but it gets more entertaining once the rain starts again. They keep flashing me for my lights
OK “Muppets” you can see me then!!!!
Just a few picture s before the rain of the delights of the Chinese dual carriageway

Tomorrow we ride only about 100 ish miles into Beijing and go to BMW Beijing. The bikes will stay there over night as they are not allowed into the city.
We will g back on Saturday and ride them to the port for them to be loaded into a container to be returned home
OK got to go and get the bike cleaned as customs can be a bit funny if they are too dirty. Might be bringing in a bacterial growth!!

11842 miles – Baoding, China

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