Thursday 1 July 2010

Onward 29th June

Getting closer to the end of the trip and a few more miles to do in the region of around 900 miles left to do in three and a bit days. So it’s an early start, as we are on the road before 08:00, we have over 250 miles to do today and from our experience this will take some time due to a) road repairs and b) bad driving by the locals. The favourite repair now seems to drill up the bad tarmac, then leave a piece that is about 6 inches deep open for several days, and then eventually fill it with Tarmac. These are not marked and can almost be a patchwork quilt across the road. This causes the Chinese drivers to be swerving everywhere.

Not much more to say as there are no views of the fantastic countryside as it is all hidden by smog. There were mountain outlines but that is all you can see.
Finally arrive at our destination and like all good Chinese cities, you will find a statue of the old man himself

Got to get the hotel ASAP as this suit is ringing wet inside from my sweat. Sorry but you need to know how hot it is. If only there was smelly vision,

11381 miles - Louyang, China

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