Sunday 20 June 2010

All downhill – almost 18th June

Needles to say we cannot all leave the Wild West town (Phrase from the Lonely Planet book) quick enough and it is not long before we pass through another town which has mud for the road. Hope this is not signs of things to come for the Sichuan region

On our way and the roads are not brilliant but at least they are tarmac.
You do meet some very strange lorry loads

Several mountain passes over 4000m and the land is very green and full of grass, so very different to the previous day

However the road surface could have been a little bit better for the majority of the passes

Then remember me mentioning the Chinese army well we met them 3 times today which is starting to get a bit silly

One final pass of the “Snowy Mountains” and we are on a descent in perfect tarmac to drop is into China proper.

This road was “FAB” with perfect hairpins, one after the other and we finally get to the city centre. Had the bike leaned well over even with TK knobblies on to remove any chicken strips. Ah! the joys of motorcycling!
The hotel is excellent except for the name “Love Song Hotel” and this is due to a song in the area being written by the 6th Dalai Lama.
Hot shower has never felt so good and a little wander around town to get a feel of the place.
Everything is starting to look more modern and westernised

The Blog will be shorter than normal but it is raining at the moment, so interesting day tomorrow

10175 miles - Kangding, China

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