Thursday 10 June 2010

To Mount Everest we go 8th June

So back to the turning and after 100 yds the tarmac ends and we back onto dusty rough roads and not even gravel so 3 miles in we arrive at the entrance of Qomolangma (Everest) National Nature reserve where our pre-bought tickets are handed over and in we go. The van is in the lead as it has our guide John in it to sort all the entrance fee requirements are met. A ticket for the bike, a ticket for the rider, a ticket to visit the exact location of base camp etc.

The first part of the route is the most hairpin bends I have ever travelled on and the pictures below are only a small part of it and they are all rough roads. We have o climb to a pass of over 4200m and then come back down the other side o enter into the river valley that will take us to Everest. I would not be exaggerating if it was over 100 bends up and if not more coming down.

At the top of this pass (20 miles on route to EBC) live some Tibetans and they try and sell you there trinkets and souvenirs. Yes the tents are where they live

Finally over the pass and back down to then run along the side of a valley for a lot more miles. Kevin had labelled this as a day off but it does not feel like it at the moment as the full mileage for the day is about 136 miles with 6 of those on Tarmac.

The next stop point is Rongphu Monastery which is the highest in the world and is 2 miles from EBC at just over 5000m

You then ride another mile to a tented area (hotels) and selling souvenirs again.

We filled the bus and then we are off for another mile to Base camp

So back on the bus back to our bikes and then retrace our path back to the main road another 60 odd miles. the hairpins do not seem as much phone going back and i am glad when the entrance comes into view.
A very rewarding day but hard and after 9 hours of mainly riding off road, everyone went for a quick dinner and to sleep.
A few miles tomorrow as we go to Lhasa

8754 miles – Dingri, Tibet

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