Thursday 10 June 2010

No more Homestays 6th June

Maybe a hotel at the end of the day but i have to get there first. This is the desert and it is not long before we see Sand dunes but the road is still under construction, so plenty of sand on the road.

The construction is endless and it has been for 100’s of miles with none of it finished through villages and down mountain sides. The road is dug up and everyone makes their own path around it. You can imagine in England, sorry road closed, make your own way across that ploughed field.

So to do 145 miles took over 7 hours due to virtually every mile, a drain being laid under the road, with the usual detour cross the land and back onto the road.
Well i call it a road but it is flattened hardcore which you have to follow the tyre tracks otherwise it gets a little wobbly and out of shape.
Remember me telling you that there are no signs and the detours can be as long as 2 to 3 miles just following rough tracks. Well i did come across a sign but it is a little incorrect. If you had gone that way you would have ended up in a very big drainage ditch

You can see what we have to travel on and this is a good bit
Finally got to the hotel and then you find out that there is no hot or cold water until 8-12pm and 7-10am
Great, complete covered in dust and i cannot even wash my hands
Right, what did I do with the wet wipes

8434 miles – Saga, Tibet

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