Monday 26 April 2010

Cave with a view anyone

Another day of low mileage but a lot of hours in the saddle along roads that are under construction to Dual Carriageways and are just gravel and dust which we blat along at 80 ish. This leaves the bike and me covered in whote dust and have to keep stopping to clear visor, mirrors and GPS.
You can see from the bike how dusty it is and we also visit the Tumulus (buriel Mound of King Midas. This over the thosands of years becomes a big hill (yes the one behind me) and that is Kasim (our guide) behind trying to get in on the picture.

Next stop is just outside Cappadocia in a place called Gorome. The valley is made from limestone and erosion has left these columns. Also a pic ture of Kasim with his KTM (Boo!) even though he is still wearing BMW gear
Our next hotel for the next two nights is a Cave hotel where the rooms are from the original dwellings, which are carved out of the limestone. Lovely rooms and cool during the day and warm at night. The only problem is all the stairs and we are at a small altitude of 1200m which just adds to the work

It has been arranged for us all to go on a balloon ride acroos the area doing something called contour ballooning.
Hmmm! could be interesting and we will all be in the one basket (16 people) and Lars the pilot
Only problem is that it will be an early call of 4:45 am as we will be in the air by 7:00 and a hour and a half flight.
Great we will be back for breakfast

2880 miles - Cappadocia, Turkey

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