Wednesday 28 April 2010

A tale of two seasons

The morning started off with a beautiful sun shining down on us all and we headed off into the mountians and the mileage was to be more than the previous days but more mountain passes. Definitely going to be a long day in the saddle again and i do believe my backside is finally getting use to this riding every day
Getting more conscious of the fact that petrol stations are getting to be a rather rare beast. Not a problem with the GS adventurer's but the F800's need to be filled up every 200 miles and if you are going through a mountain pass, that can be a problem.
If you look above an to he left of the flags you will see a twister forming in the sky and that was while we had stopped for a Cye, and we decided that we would get ahead of the storm and then a massive hail storm that left he ground covered up to 3 inches.
Then a mountain pass that takes us up to 2500m and the temperature was down to 3 deg C along with torrential rain. Combine this with very poor road surfaces and mud, gravel and Robert and myself were having a whale of a time as my gloves got wet and then my boots let some water in, "LOVELY"
No seriously,i have never had so much fun in such awful conditions
So final push to he cabins we have booked and to get out of the bike gear and into some dry clothes. Hang everything up and just thought i would check on the other pannier, Pooh!, some water has leaked in throught the front seal of the pannier and i now have both of my Central Asia maps hanging up as well to dry
Now i will warn you that once i enter Turkmenistan i may not have a connection to do my blog as the Internet is Police controlled, so that will have to wait until Uzbekistan.
However we still have Georgia and Azerbajan to get through

3549 miles - Ispir, Turkey

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