Wednesday 21 April 2010

Serbia, how can bad roads be so good

As always happens with groups of people, alliances form and we have in my little group the four of us
so we have left me, then Robert, Simon and then finally Max
So off we set through South of Serbia and i really is a poor country. Villages with the only water available, is a well in the centre and here we are riding through in various groups on motorcycles they could only dream of. The roads were so bad that the roads in England at the moment seemed like paradise. The surface was breaking up or missing with water streaming across and flooded rivers.
Time to play on the roads and sweeping corners with massive pot holes. I think Kevin is trying to get evryone use to what will be the norm in the 'stans
The waterfall you see here is where mother nature has decided it is the only course it wan ts to take due to the volume of water it has produced
robert and myself made a very fast pace on roads that were virtually off road with others finding the going a little slower but with the adrenalin still pumping and scenes of deralict Eastern Europe
200 miles of adventure on roads that will become the norm.Yippee
The communities are poor and it got worse once we were in Bulgaria with the roads round Sofia awful.Thre more south you got the better they get until you get to Greece
26 deg C and very sunny
That's more like it
So the final of the big days tomorrow to get to Istanbul and then we have a day rest where every one is talking about having a really good evening as we do not have to ride the following day "Fabulous four" which every one has christened us. Other groups include the "Three Musketeers" and "AA"
Will explain later
Then we get to the real sadevnture to cou tries and terrain that we could not possibly imagine, which is what we signed up for
Never thought the time would be here where in will experience something truly unique and differnet that very few people will ever do!

1909 miles Serres, Greece

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