Thursday 8 April 2010


Well, how things can change in a matter of days

Just feeling smug that all visa's are in the passport with three weeks to go and what do the the people in Kyrgyzstan do, they start a revolt in the capital "BISHKEK", causing the president to flee the country.

Now I know I signed up for an adventure and not a holiday (quote from Kevin at Globebusters), but even I do not want to go wandering through a poor country, on a very expensive motorbike, while the people are feeling a little "pissed -off" with the regime, that toppled the former Soviet Republics hardline leader

So what to be done?
Frantic mails and phone calls from Globebusters and an alternate route through Kazakhstan.

Slight problem, visa's are needed and I will be leaving the country next Saturday.
Could cause more nails to be bitten down to nothing, Sorry Di
With everything that i am trying to get finished at work, I will have to dash down to the embassy of Kazakhstan tomorrow morning for the 09:00 opening and put my application through
Now apparently it will be processed within 3 working days so I need to collect it on Tuesday,they only process Kazakhstan Citizens on Wednesday, which would mean Thursday at the latest.
Does mean things are getting a little too close for comfort

Bollocks, there goes the remainder of my thumb nail!!!

So fingers crossed for no problems with the visa application.

So as Citizen Smith would say "power to the people", I just wish they could have done this after I had seen their country or am I just being a little selfish

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