Tuesday 11 May 2010

Festival today 9th May

Firstly yesterday was a day of inaction so just had to get to the hotel and certainly not one for pictures?
Sorry for putting the dates in but after being in the police state, it is the only way i can catch up as most of us do not know what day it is.
I think the antibiotics are working and i feel much better and can really enjoy the warm weather .
Another good tip for a bad stomach is flat coke which does not taste so good but it helps, don’t ask me why but Ann will be thanking me for the publicity
Just a few pictures of my wanderings and they had all sorts of events on like Ram fighting and Cock fighting but i do not want my blog being attacked by the animal welfare bunch for a few pictures
The city is originally a walled city and is constantly under repair and unesco heritage site.
The bed i am laying on is a 6 poster bed and i think i will n eed to buy a new house to fit it in. Oh and it cost's $40,000 and took two years to carve
We have timed our arrival perfectly as there is a festival of culture on all weekend but the down side is that it is much more busier than normal and Usbek TV is out in force, not just one channel but several. Yes we had another interview
The people of Uzbekisatan are so welcoming and they are really trying to increase the tourism, unlike our friends in Turkmenistan.
Still on bread and water and no Alcohol.
Off to WiFi cafe to have the bread and update the Blog (nearly up to date)

OK fun over for the day and yet agin no more food but the last of the antibiotics so maybe a beer and a little meat tomorrow


5179 miles – Khiva, Uzbekistan

1 comment:

  1. Daz,
    sorry to hear about your troubles with the 'Turkmenistan Two Step'. Probably didn't need quite the level of detail but I suspect you had little else on your mind at the time!

    The walled city at Khiva looks fabulous. Looking forward to the next stage and I assume a lot more time off tarmac.
