Sunday 2 May 2010

More rain, "REALLY"

"CZESC" Which is Polish for Hi
I thought i would start learning some POLSKA as my roomy is doing all the talking in English so we will see how it goes.
Still raining as we pack the bikes and in this country on the Georgian border you are spoilt for choice in cars, "LADA" anyone, what colour would you like, Uh red, white blue or off white and of course standard equipment only. No optional extras unless you make it yourself.
Things change once you get to Baku where the oil money is! Bently, Porsche etc
Cross country from Saki to Baku and we go through rural areas where people sell at the side of the road bread and "cye" for a small amount of money as we have took pictures and they will not take money as they consider it charityWhile we are sitting here drinking our tea when a police car pulls up and three police get out.
"SHIT" they are going to do a document check on us, as they have seen the bikes at the side of the road and will probably try and fine us for something.
How cynical you can be and I need to loosen up on these things, all they wanted was bread and cheese to take away with them.
Slow going as roads are being repaired or fallen away in the mountains.
Strong side winds and heavy rain slows us down to 40 miles an hour with the locals driving like they are on a suicide mission
The hotel is government owned and is right next to the port (200yds). Lets hope we get a boat tomorrow.

"DO WIDZENIA" goodbye there you go, another word

4422 miles - Baku,Azerbaijan

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