Saturday 29 May 2010

Flip flops please 28th May

Had a bit of a lazy morning over breakfast and decided to go down the main street towards Main Square and the first thing you notice is that the streets are getting cleaner and everything is looking modern and the dress style is getting more westernised. Even the dogs are designer

Lots of designer shops down this side of Kashgar but no flip flops and then we finally arrive at the centre square in Kashgar with a statue of Chairman Mao. This part of China is very Muslim but the government are always encouraging the Hung Chinese to move to these areas to lessen the concentration of Muslim. Lots of Army barracks and there is always riot police patrolling the streets to make sure the locals know that the government are in control. Last year there was an uprising and the Internet was banned. They have only had it back 3 months ago but i cannot get onto Google or You Tube. I can here you all thinking, how can he be updating his blog. Hmm! There are ways!

Ok i will have to admit defeat with the flip flops but just before the hotel there is a supermarket, might be worth last try. Would you believe it flip flops and one pair in my size while all the others are size 6 and 7.

7118 miles – Kashgar, China

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