Wednesday 26 May 2010

Stop, Turn around and go back 21st May

It turns out that it will take two days for them to get the dynamite to do the blasting so we have no choice but to turn around and go back to Khorog.
The reason for this is that we have to be at the Chinese border on Monday at 11:00 or we will have problems gaining entry.
Firstly though a few of us decide to ride up to this supposed hole and see what all the fuss is about.

Yep it’s a big hole and there is no way round. You may like the way the let you know that the road is closed by looking at the picture with the van and bikes in and you will see two piles of stones in front of them. This means a hazard ahead and they appear everywhere like in the middle and side of the road.
On the route back I do get an opportunity to take a picture of one of the very few bridges that crosses to Afghanistan and as usual, no photos allowed (Guess what I did?)

So finally back in Khorog and 300 miles that has got us back where we started. Unfortunately no hotels were available so another Homestays out of town. Curry again tonight and this requires a taxi, well flagging down some local and then paying them to take you where you need to go. This is the norm for everyone and if it is on their way, then they have earned a few Somoni.
Same coming back which was welcomed as it was chucking it down with rain.

6578 miles – Khorog, Tajikistan

1 comment:

  1. You big girls blouse.....the gap didn't look that big, couldn't you have jumped it!!!!

    Watch out for those pebbles in the road.

