Sunday 2 May 2010

Will we get on the ship????????????????

Morning of the 3rd of May and Kevin and Mark have gone to the docks to see if we can get on the boat. There is no schedule and no guarantee, so bribery is the order of the day to hopefully get us on. We may be here for another day if all fails
If you want to see footage of the trip then there is clips being put on "youtube" so if you search for Globebusters Silk Road there are three on there so far and more will be added. The best is through the village "view from the silk road" with Adam the cameraman riding on the back of Kevin.
Waiting to hear about the transit across the Caspian
This will be the last for several days as Turkmenistan is heavily policed and the hotels are all monitored and even rumoured to be bugged.
As soon as i can i will resume my post's

PS Kevin has just come back and there will be a boat in later and we are provisionally on it
should be cleared by customs quickly as all the preliminaries have been done
Phew! The visas we where given when we entered, were 3 day transit, as we are on motorcycles.
So you buy a 30 day single entry to get in and then the change it

1 comment:

  1. Loving the running commentary. All that cold and I know whay Di graciously declined the trip! Not sure I'd have been up for it either. Would blog about our forthcoming adventure ride to Cornwall, but feel it would be no where near as exciting....and (hopefully) less need for passport checks! Take care and looking forward to your next installment. x
