Wednesday 26 May 2010

Up high to the last stop before Kyrgyzstan 22nd May

Rain starts the day and means full waterproofs on so as to not have to be in wet clothes all day. It stops after about half an hour but with all the standing water it is good to keep them on. The route will take us up to some altitude and will get colder. Here are a load of pictures and the ones in the snow are at the Koy-Tezek pass at 4238m and then we drop down to the desert plain at just 4000m.

Then finally to the Homestay which is not bad at all. Had a cabbage soup for starters with the usual bread and the Yak and onion stew with mash potatoes. Very nice but a bit too salty for me and finished off with loads of Cye. Kevin decides to produce a half finished bottle of Welsh malt whiskey which is shared round for a small measure amongst a load of us. Not really recommended as we are starting to get acclimatised to altitude and we will be sleeping tonight at 3600m in readiness for over 5000m on the Tibetan plateau.

Tomorrow we head for the border but we need to go over another pass at over 4000m.
Just a quick note for everyone that it was our wedding anniversary today and I did have a phone conversation with Missy D, but there was a bad delay on the phone which made having a chat a little difficult but we managed. So big thanks to my wifey for putting up with my need for this adventure.
Big hugs and kisses to Mrs. Johnson xx

6780 miles – Murgab, Tajikistan

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